Thursday, December 23, 2010


This year, for the first time ever, we neither bought each other a Christmas Gift or put up our tree. Why??
We didn't know what to expect. It's as though our lives have been "on hold" for half of the year.
Half a year of time revolving around the hospital, medications, daily needles........worry!!
Half a year of the days being brightened by friends and family expressing their concerns and pitching in to help.......never requested.
Half a year of Hilary demonstrating her strength and laughing at the adversity.
Now we have the only Christmas Present we wanted............remission!!!
Now we can enjoy Christmas with the kids, grandkids and friends. What more could we possibly ask.
Now Hil can have her Champagne and Orange juice (or two) coz now it's allowed.
Now she can look at the tennis court and think about getting back in shape.
Now she can look in the mirror and know that her hair is really starting to grow back. (Just now it's like a rather worn tennis ball.)
For the more pragmatic: Her CT scans came out clean although her spleen is slightly enlarged although who'se to know exactly it's size before she got sick. She had a bone marrow biopsy the other day (she just loves that!) The results were very good with no sign of any abnormalities. As the oncologist said......"lovely!!"
Now she has two years of "maintenance." A visit to the hospital every three months for Rituxan plus the Decadron at home.
She'll probably be on the tennis court very soon.........just small doses whilst she builds up her strength.
My thoughts go out, not just to our friends withing striking distance of Aurora, but to friends out West who have constantly been in touch expressing their concern and support.
My thoughts go out to friends and aquaintances who are not as well off as we. One who had a bone marrow transplant and is fighting the good fight and slowly winning, another who is terminal.
Is it over for Hil? Nope. MCL never truly goes away. The stats are poor as knowledge concerning this type of cancer is still a little thin. It can be held in remission and hopefully that's where it will stay.
Soooo...Christmas is here!! We have our Christmas Present. We're Happy!!
Break out the bubbly........get the bird in the oven. 2011 is another year!!
Merry Christmas to all!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From a brilliant mind......not mine......but George Carlin.

I came across this in the dark of the early morning whilst the house was still sleeping. I thought it a propos of yesterday's blog. Whereas my comment was clumsy this piece is the opposite.

From A Brilliant Mind
by: George Carlin

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider highways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

Many drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.
We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.
Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember, to say, ' I love you ' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

George Carlin was a comedian, writer, television/movie actor and Grammy winner.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Now we wait and see.

Hopefully last Thursday's chemo was Hil's last!! It was number six in the series. Thanks again to Pam for accompanying Hil south of Major Mac for the bloodwork and to Rosie for coming down from Collingwood and spending the day with Hil on the Thursday. Great chicken recipe too!

Again this last event was speedy. Perhaps your body gets used to the cocktail.
Hard to believe that this has been going on for almost six months now but she still has her eyelashes!!

Now we have to wait approx three weeks and then a battery of tests will be performed in order to determine where she stands.
The only Christmas present we want is the "R" word wrapped up in a big bow........remission!!

I would be remiss to not thank all the people that sent cards, letters, gifts and flowers for Hil's birthday a couple of weeks ago. The house was like a florists!!

Today the roles are reversed! I have to see a specialist at Southlake as my right hand is totally (&*^%$#ed! Something wrong with the tendons in the palm of my hand. Can't hold a golf club or tennis raquet. Doncha just luv gettin' old! Soooo...Hil will come with me just in case. North for a change.
Even Sam was crook this week. She hurt her back working out during the week and ended up at the vet. More medication. No we don't have a budgie.

So what have we learned from all this.....coming from a bloke that's bin kinda material all his life?
The big houses, fancy cars, big boats, extravagant vacations are all so much bullshit at the end of the day. The principal things that count are your relationships and the health to enjoy them. Perhaps sometimes you have to be scared into this understanding. Hil and I are fortunate indeed. We've bin round the block and still survive. We have kids, grandkids and still have a bucket list although much shorter now.

Older.....fatter......still bootin'. we wait and see!! A few more days of needles for Hil and then Christmas is just around the corner.

Thanx to all. Best wishes to all. Hug someone today and keep laughing.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Not Chanel, although she does like it but Chemo. Chemo No.5!! It doesn't come in a fancy bottle rather in pills, needles, IVs.

Hard to believe she's bin at this for fifteen weeks now.....about five months since she was diagnosed.

I think her body must be getting used to medication flowing through it. In the beginning it took ages to get the concoctions into her and in the beginning her body reacted in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways. Hardly surprising for someone that hardly ever took a pill of any sort! Now. more than anything, she gets very tired, very quickly.
Thursday last was even quicker than the previous treatment. We were a little late getting started but she was home by 2.30!! A record! Not that it's something to be jumping up and down about.

So now there is one more to go.......November 18th......Chemo #6. After that, about three weeks later, we go in for a battery of tests including the bone marrow biopsy which she really likes then hopefully we get a really good Christmas present.......a box of remission all wrapped up with a big bow.

Pam went with Hil for her bloodwork on Wednesday. I'm not sure if Hil drives there and Pam drives back.......but that's another story. LOL.

On Thursday, although I took her to the hospital, Sharon arrived about 9.30, stayed with her the rest of the day and brought her home. I blew the joint about 11.30. The previous Monday Kay and Steph visited together with Maureen McMaster who I personally haven't seen for over twenty years.....she hasn't changed much. Friends continue to be super-supportive and we are forever grateful.

Thursday's are always very quiet in chemo at York Central for some reason, that's why Hil chose it but there is always something to see.

A young oncologist attempting to explain the treatment to an oriental lady ( I think we're supposed to say "Asian" now) who didn't understand a word he was saying. He certainly was imaginative with his sign language.

The rather round, pompous looking man, just twenty feet away, undergoing his first treatment, spending the first couple of hours on his cell phone and getting irritated with the nurse for interrupting his conversation. She eventually told him, in "nursetalk," to put his phone in a warm, dark place!!

So, as we keep saying, life goes on. Our "built in suspension" carries us over the bumps in life constantly re-discovering what is important in life or perhaps simply discovering for those that haven't figured it out yet.
Birthdays come and go. Mine was a couple of weeks ago and Hilary's is next Thursday.....Nov 4th......Mischievious Night in the North of England.....the night before Guy there was a lad!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Nothing but Good News.

Chemo yesterday......quick and eventless......she went swimming this morning. Would you believe it!!!! Tired this afternoon but it's hardly surprising. Usually, after chemo,she's a basket case for at least a week. Tough ol' broad!

She had some tests earlier this week....scans of one sort or another but the prognosis is great. The oncologist inferred that if things continue this way over the next nine weeks she could well be in remission by Christmas. Now that's a real Christmas Present!!!

She's going to get on the bike a bit and she just bought one of those elasticy band thingies for exercising her arms so as she can start hitting some tennis balls again. Her spleen is down even further although still not normal.....not dangerous now though.

We're going to have a really quiet Thanksgiving.....just the two of us. You never really know what the side effects are like until each morning arrives. Better to be a little circumspect.

Again thanks to everyone for their ongoing support and a heartfelt "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Well yesterday was round three in Hil's title fight.
Thanks to Pam and Nick for helping out. Pam spent most of the day with her at the hospital and Nick did chauffeur duties.

Hil's sister and brother in law were over from England for a week or so a visit that we greatly enjoyed. It was especially good for Hil and Norma as they could share "stuff" as only siblings can. As for the rest of us.....a lot of chat and a couple of rounds of golf at "The Valley."

This last round of chemo was great! She got everything into her in record far hour faster than last time. She was only there for six hours or so.

Hil's pretty tough....with a terrific attitude! The side effects seem to have been limited to being incredibly tired with the exception of losing her hair, mouth so sore she couldn't eat and a permanently upset stomach. No nausea........until this morning. Took her pills then promptly threw up. At least she made it to the washroom! Her weight, by the way, is back to normal. Taraaaaaa!

I start giving her the daily needle today. It seems as though the hospital has won the "Neupogen Fight" probably because her white blood cell count is down. Over all though the oncologist is very happy with her progress and her spleen seems to be reacting well to the medication.

So there you go! She is so thankful for the support she has been getting. Friends, tennis ladies even people from the golf club that she barely knows. Love those cookies ladies.

Your Duck is Dead--

A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest.

After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, "I'm sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away."

The distressed woman wailed, "Are you sure?"
Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead," replied the vet..

"How can you be so sure?" she protested. "I mean you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."

The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck’s owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.
The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room.

The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."

The vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman..The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$150!" she cried, "$150 just to tell me my duck is dead!"
The vet shrugged, "I'm sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it's now $150."

Courtesy of Gord and Vivi!!

Probably Sam and Sam Bailey.

Friday, August 27, 2010

......more red pee....less red hair!!

The dog's shedding......Hilary's shedding......I'm slowly losing my hair. It's a wonder you can see through the house and.....the vacuum sucks if you'll excuse the pun. Someone suggested she not go out in a high wind!

Today is "H" day. Noon is "B" hour. Hil get's the rest of her hair buzzed off today. It's driving her nuts so it's time. Mebbe I'll get a sympathy buzz at the same time.......mebbe! (H is for hair. B is for buzz.) Her wig shows up on Tuesday. I like the style! More of a layered look.

Yesterday was round two in the ring of chemo. Good news though. No adverse reaction this time, certainly due to the pre-meds she was getting the day before. Course she can't sleep coz she's higher'n kite but that'll wear off. The really good news is that her spleen has subsided! Still not normal but no longer a threat. She's eating better because it's not exerting pressure on her stomach. Naturally she immediately starts talking about hitting balls on the tennis court. No comment. LOL. As Minnie the oncologist said......"YES!!"

Her old friend Rosie took her down to the hospital in the morning and I followed about half an hour later. Barb had taken her down the previous day for her bloodwork. I had to leave about 11.30 or so. Life goes on and the golf course that is. They were there about seven hours but this time they got everything into her........not like last time. Rosie sat there chatting away and doing her bead work....on piece work for crying out loud. I offered to engineer the process for her as it didn't look too efficient. I figured she was only making about four bucks and hour!!

What they didn't see were the guys two stations down, mind you I do tend to see people through my own tinted glasses.
The first was short. Hey I'm short but this guy's feet didn't touch the floor.....that's short!
He was brown in his mid fifties with a smile on his face. Totally bald without a crease in his face and shiny! He was obviously cold as someone had thrown a green blanket over him. He immediately reminded me of the four ball on a snooker table.......with ears.
I nodded to him. He smiled ruefully.

The second was grey! Skinny and grizzled. Short pepper and salt hair and beard. Fast asleep with his mouth wide open. Someone had taken his teeth out. What surprised me was how wide was his mouth. Totally relaxed. I swear I could've put my entire fist in his mouth without touching a gum. He was snoring! Not a pretty sight as my dad would have said. New blood feeding into his arm. Transfusion time. Bit sad that.

So we move on. Another day. More pills. More needles. Hil's sister shows up from England next week. Bit of to go to. Life goes on. Slightly modified. Keep laughing. My favourite expression "It is what it is."
Lot of people a lot worse off. I feel for people who are on their own. We are not!!
Friends here. Friends on the West Coast. Friends in the States.
Still getting cards.....and food.....cookies!!!

Thanx folks!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

......a week off!

This seems to be the beginning of a week's respite. Hilary is feeling better now than she has for two weeks, no Prednazone or Neupagen for a while to which there are seemingly some unpleasant side effects. Her mouth is still swollen but the sores seem to have dried up. Now, at least, she's eating....trying to put some of the weight back on. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding (what else?) does the trick!!

She actually went out last night, with Krista, to a meeting of "Look Good Feel Good" a support group.......all the way to Brampton......definitely south of Major Mac!! She enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. It's usually just a one time event and concentrates on the cosmetic side of things as treatment progresses. She's even talking about hitting the range and trying to hit a few balls......we'll see!

Soooo, like I said, a week orf!! Back into it starting Aug 25th. The only med she's taking just now is something to control the Uric acid build up but there is no apparent side effect to this.
Next week Rosemary is taking her to the hospital. This last week she got flowers and cards from various folk and fantastic cookies from Nancy.....there's only two left!! The cookie monster strikes again.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

..........Botox it ain't!!!

Just a brief update on Hilary. Other than her mouth being covered in sores, her lips all swollen up (definitely not Botox) being exhausted most of the time, not getting either much sleep or food......coz of her mouth, aching bones and a lousy stomach she's doing fine!

I'm getting good at giving her a daily needle, rotating between each arm and the belly plus I had to do an Excel spreadsheet in order to manage her regimen of meds! I don't think she even feels the needle!! How do they make them anyway??

She's trying to get protein into her as she's losing weight cooking skills are definitely an advantage now and we're trying to eat the same things.

She has a few more days of the "needle" Neupagen at $550.00 per shot plus some pills for the mouth issue and that's it, so to speak, until Aug 25th. On that day she has a load of Decadron to take and get some bloodwork done then, the following day, back down to the hospital where they will try and get the Rituxan into her again. It was this drug that she had such a severe reaction to. (poor English!) After that the regular chemo and start it all again.

Luckily, right now anyway, the tennis is on at the Rogers Centre so she gets to watch that plus the PGA is on....keeps her mind of things. She's snoozing a lot during the day too. day at a time. Some days are better than others. Tis what it is!!

Friday, August 6, 2010 love is like a red,red rose and so is Hilary's pee.

As eventful and unpleasant as yesterday was, today was far anyway.

Down there in twenty minutes and out in two hours!! Great. The Zofran seems to prevent nausea. May it continue to do so

One of the elements makes you pee bright red for a few days. You even have to carefully clean the can otherwise it stains the porcelain apparently. If it does that what an earth does it do to your insides?? Hmmmmmmmm.

I talked about one of the drugs being made of gold. Found out some facts today. It's called Neupagen. Builds up your white cell count apparently. $4500.00 a cycle and Hil has 6 cycles. I estimate that the eighteen weeks sucks up about $75,000.00 in drugs alone!! Thank God for a Provincial Health Plan. Surely the American man in the street who votes against a National Health Plan has been brainwashed by the drug companies, insurance companies and private nursing homes. (Minor rant...LOL)

Hil, right now, feels fine. Tired but not throwing up. She'll have a regular dinner, see what that does to her insides.
We were definitely the minority group in the chemo clinic today. I think it was oriental day. They definitly do NOT bring sandwiches for lunch. Their lunches looked MUCH better!!

So back on Monday for a short visit. Several days of needles and pills then some time off. August 25 is bloodwork. August 26th do it all again.

So far so good!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

one small step for giant step for the drug companies.

Well today was an oh so long day at chemo......over eight hours!
Just Hil's luck she had two allergic reactions to one of the drugs.....Rituxan....the first being almost immediate. She overheated, she turned bright red and she had severe pains from her head to her arse. Turned that one off in a hurry. Plan "B" push a ton of steroids into her and go back to Plan "A" Two hours later she gets the shakes and she's freezing cold. Top of that she's going to the can every twenty minutes or so. Gotta be a happy medium somewhere.
Plan "C" push Benedryl into her and go back to Plan "A" but at a much slower rate.

Lovely day so far.

Cut a long story short.....they got a third of the Rituxan into her which took all day instead of a full shot in two hours or so but not the rest of the chemo. Net result is we go back tomorrow for the rest of the show and back again next Monday for a needle of Nupogen which I think must be made out of solid gold!!! This stuff is so expensive that neither the hospital or drug stores can dispense it without Provincial Health authority. Can you believe that!!

I watch all this stuff being pumped into her and wonder where it all goes!! You'd think she'd blow up like a balloon!!

End of the day we drive home, go to the drugstore with our shopping list of drugs and pick up the dog...............who promptly throws up all over the broadloom. A fitting end to a memorable day.

Right now Hil just feels tired but, so far, not nauseous. Of course the rest of the chemo goes into her tomorrow. So we'll see what that brings.

Hil is so greatful for the support she's been and the offers of help if needed. Vastly appreciated. Thank you.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

.......and so it begins.

Another half day in the hospital yesterday getting the results of the biopsy done a couple of weeks ago. Now we go ahead!

Hilary starts her chemo next Thursday August 5th. She has opted for an agressive treatment after having being presented with the options. Apparently the side effects are worse but the prognosis is both better and much faster. Short term pain for long term gain we tell ourselves.

The chemo itself is quite protracted. Day #1 is a full day in the hospital. Days #2 thru 10 a needle every day, given at home. Days 2 thru 5 pill (Pregnazone). Every day another pill to control the build up of uric acid. By now 11 days have gone by. Ten days later she starts the cycle again................for eighteen weeks......into December sometime.

The normal side effects, as described, are not very pretty but everyone reacts differently so we'll just have to see......crossing everything that can be crossed. At least now we have a parking pass so it's only $2 instead of $15!!

Impossible to plan anything now. Golf goes in the bin with the tennis. Pretty much guaranteed that for two weeks out of every three she's going to feel pretty crappy.

Side benefits are my shopping and vacuming skills are going to improve.

It is what it is so one day at a time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Does it glow in the dark


July 6th. 43 degrees with the humidex outside! Well of course it wouldn't be inside would it......unless the AC quit. I wonder how big the unit is that cools the hospital? Hmmmm.
We went at a different time today, a little later in the day. A marked dearth of volunteer birdies, sitting on the line, in their green vests just itching to help. Must have been a tea break......grab a quick prem of course.

So where are we? Rather where is Hil with me just sitting in the right hand seat helping the pilot so to speak ?
The next stage is a physical biopsy of surface lymph nodes in the inguinal area......medical term for crotch!! Takes about two weeks to organize then about another week to get the results from Sunnybrook. Then more blood work....."an armful" as Tony Hancock said.
After that it's chemo! A cocktail of CTV (whatever that is) plus Rituxan plus Pregnazone. This occurs once every three weeks for three cycles. More tests after this including further CT scans. If everything is OK they will do three more cycles then more tests including another bone marrow biopsy......Hil's delighted with that one! At least there are no more allergy shots in the forseeable future. The Pregnazone does the job.
Apparently we can expect the usual side effects of the chemo but I'm sure it'll be worth it. She really doesn't look forward to being a bald tennis player! Probably won't happen though. Her hair is too thick.

Down in the bowels of the hospital where I'm sure people would glow in the dark if the lights went out there is a sign on the wall:
Well thanks for letting us know we didn't know that.

Three people sitting next to each other all talking on cell phones......hopefully not to each other. All three right under a large notice that reads: USE OF CELL PHONES IN THIS AREA IS PROHIBITED. Doncha just luv it!!

Women arrive looking dapper. The middle aged (in certain cases anyway) well supported by support hose, control tops, well wired bras. Then they change!! No more artificial support of any sort just the hospital gown. A sudden exercise in reality. One lady, wearing the grey/green, had also attempted to cover her legs with another gown which she had tied around her waist. Unfortunately the arms were dragging on the floor!! Use your imagination.

Hil misses the tennis, gets tired and has night sweats. Other than that....she's still Hilary. Life goes on. More swimming perhaps. Maybe she'll bike with me a bit. We golfed together the other day......her game is definitely improving.

Monday, June 21, 2010


When I was young......a lot young........I remember, in primary school, there being an ant farm in a glass case in our classroom. At that age and at this I had and have little interest in bugs of any kind. What I do remember is their industry. They were everywhere......scurrying all over the place. Fetching and carrying ........always seeming to have a purpose, always seeming to be organized, although without a union but obviously having some end in mind. Gathering food, some in construction, some merely and apparently socializing but all doing something.........workers, soldiers,drones.

York Central Hospital reminded me of the ant farm. Different groups in different uniforms, many out of sight......doing "their thing" behind closed doors. Different departments on different floors.
The same guy, in his grey uniform, driving the floor cleaner seemingly in a trance. The same lady, in her hair net, dishing out food in the cafeteria somewhat reminiscent of British Rail......caught having a fag later on her tea break!!

A line up of volunteers, in their green vests, at the main entrance waiting to pounce on anyone who gives the smallest impression of being lost.

Come tomorrow, Tuesday, Hil and I will have been to the hosptal three times in five days. Forty five dollars in parking and several excursions to Timmy's on the main floor.

Tests, tests and more tests......Hilary just takes it in her stride and gives me all the details after the fact.

What strikes you immediately is the friendliness of the staff. They seem to make a specific effort to put you at your ease. I guess it must come with the territory. Some departments must be pretty scary places causing your imagination to go to places you might not want to go it being human nature to think the worst.

Down in the basement, in C-Wing, is the nuclear department! Super friendly people in white coats.........super worried/looking people sitting in uncomfortable chairs seemingly waiting their fate.

Spok would love this place! I peeked in a couple of empty rooms. No wonder the health system is so expensive! No cell phones down laptops. You almost expect the staff to be glowing blue and purple under the indirect lighting. Nuclear warning signs everywhere.

Gallium Scan!! Sounds like something the Enterprise would encounter in outer space, perhaps some sort of transportation device........beam me up Scotty!! Looks that way for sure. An overgrown doughnut that revolves around you once you have been inserted so to speak. Painless of course......taking pictures outlined by the radioactive milkshake injected into your bloodstream three days prior.....just part of the routine. Hilary was strapped in and told to hold still for twenty seven minutes. Her nose itched!

She's on the golf course this afternoon. She can't play tennis but her golf game will improve. Back to the ant farm tomorrow........another fifteen bucks for parking but we shouldn't be there too long this time, just some additional tests.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 15th 2010

Life is full of surprises. Most are pleasant......something to smile about. Some are not. Most do not rock your life.......some do.

Hilary had her annual check up less than a month ago. Surprise, surprise!! What's this lump in your abdomen? Didn't you notice it? Nope!!

You have a swollen spleen! Hmmmm....what's a spleen? What does it do?

Lotsa questions but it's just a swelling.

MCL is an acronym for Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Doesn't sound very nice and it probably isn't!! It's actually cancer of the B-cell in your bloodstream. There we go the dreaded "C" word!! So much for just a swelling!! A very rare cancer of the blood. Shit....before 1992 they didn't even know what it was!! Whoever "they" were.
So there or rather here we are. The first step of a journey my wife and friend has to take. I can hear her laughing on the phone just now as she tells a close friend of the surprise in her life. Bloody typical! It's hard to knock her down.

She's had some tests already including a bone marrow biopsy which enabled the hospital to arrive at a diagnosis. Shortly she has a battery of tests. A CT scan on Friday plus a Gallium scan over three days.

Once these tests are done a course of chemo will be recommended.

Tennis is finished for her for the forseeable future. Apparently the enlarged spleen is a concern. She can play golf though.

She's losing weight and not eating as the spleen is exerting pressure on her stomach. (I can still hear her laughing)
I can't sleep at night for worrying and she's lying there snoring her head off. Can you beat it??

There is no cure for MCL but it can be thrown into major remission with the proper treatment. Hil's positive attitude will bring her through it for sure. She'll have a terrific support group and our lives will go on, perhaps not as before but they will go on.

We'll keep a blog of the journey. Feel free to comment if you wish.